So as you can see, not all elemental armors are created equally.Įdited by Jaffer, 13 August 2012 - 06:42 AM. No effect on Earth (vry smart gravity hoho)Ġ.75x from water, earth, fire, wind, poison, ghost Of note: Just because a mob uses a player skill, does not mean they are the One thing you need to note is that elemental armors are level 1 of the element:

Raydric only looks at the "current element" field and reduces accordingly.

So GR will reduce any skill where the fixed element is Neutral, and it ignores the "current element" field. Mobile MMORPG from the Ragnarok Online Franchise developed by Gravity Co. So if you had some kind of script from iRO, you'd get something like this:ĬurrentElement = FixedElement if it is defined, otherwise Weapon Endow (which is Neutral in most cases) The idea is that Asura Strike is always neutral, and physical attacks aren't always neutral. In this article, we provide you with a list of Ragnarok Origin Basic guide for you who is still new in this game, so you can catch up with other players. Earthquake is also forced neutral, along with Critical Slash and a small handful of other skills. Asura Strike is forced neutral elemental, and thus would be reduced by GR. Some attacks, such as the melee attacks of monsters, have no element and are completely unaffected by elemental modifiers. So, a basic attack can be endowed, thus GR doesn't work. The generic guideline (when dealing with mobs) is that if an attack CAN be elemental, then it is not reduced by GR. Sadly we don't have access to iRO scripts so there isn't a reliable source on how their scripts work or look. The term 'element' is often used interchangeably with 'property' and 'attribute'. Every player and monster in the game has an element and, with the exception of the Neutral element, every element has both strengths and weaknesses to other elements. It has cold bolt and frost nova but it is a Fire Element monster. Ragnarok Online M:Eternal Love database and resources. Elements are properties that can strengthen, weaken, or nullify attacks when they interact.

Here you can find any in-game maps, monsters and items information. Water: This element is strong against Fire elements, but weak against Earth elements. We are dedicated to provide you with any features, that you might want to know, playing the Ragnarok Mobile. Here are the 10 elements: Neutral: This element has no weaknesses or strengths. For example would be Owl Duke, which is a Neutral element monster but uses lightning bolt skill which you need the Raging Typhoon Armor for to lesssen dmg. In the Ragnarok Origin game, there are 10 elements, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. Lol, just saying, thus raydric has great effect on neutral attacks a.k.a basic attack Yes, though, I think it will still depend on what skills those monsters use.